Scientifically Natural
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About Scientifically Natural
Holistic perspective with compassion makes us different...
At Scientifically Natural, we look at the body as a whole. Our body is a system that is intended to work together in harmony to function properly in optimal health. As part of her natural health approach, Dr. Vinet provides a research based assessment of every aspect of your life; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Once she understands the true nature of your illness, Dr. Vinet works with you to provide a holistic medicine approach to restore you back to health and help you maintain it for good this time. At Scientifically Natural, your health is our passion.
Our Practitioner
Dr. Heather Vinet is a Research Scientist turned Holistic Medicine and Healing Nutrition Practitioner and founder of Scientifically Natural. She applies her nearly 20 year experience in infectious disease and clinical orthopedic research to her Holistic Medicine practice to provide logic and compassion in determining the root cause of illness and distress. Through natural healing methods and nutrition counseling, Dr. Vinet will help you attain optimal physical and mental health and live the life that you deserve.
Our Beliefs...
Because life isn’t perfect and we don’t live in a bubble, symptoms of unease, disease, and signs that we are unwell can appear. While traditional medicine is aimed at reducing or even eliminating these symptoms, Dr. Vinet’s approach is just the opposite. Dr. Vinet fully believes that;
- Your body is intelligent and has the capacity to self-regulate.
- Your symptoms show you what’s happening inside of your body and hold the keys to wellness.
- What you're feeling is real.
- Your body manifests what it’s feeling emotionally and physically in the form of “dis”ease.
Light Up Your Life and Your Health
By: Dr. Heather Vinet, PhD, CFNC
Psychological and spiritual care are very real modalities of medicine that can, at times, alter the outcome for clients. I believe that in dealing with serious health issues, few things are more important than the psychological environment in which a client is treated. A client and practitioner should engage in a partnership that is rooted in hope and determination. The holiday season, regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs, is a great time to realize the power of hope in all aspects of your life including your health. Being hopeful does not mean forcing yourself to be positive. Hope involves an awareness of the full, realistic picture, while believing that even in the darkest times, we can find light. It is this hope of light that is the very thing that gives us life, and consequently our health. Hope may benefit your physical health by boosting immune function and decreasing pain. Hope is also linked to lower levels of anxiety and depression. Our mindset truly matters when it comes to our health. During this holiday season of reflection, I urge you to explore ways in which you can cultivate hope and incorporate hopeful thinking into your lives and watch how your light and health flourishes. Try these simple strategies below for cultivating hope.
Look for the light in others. Glimmers of hope are all around us, sometimes we just need to look for it. Sometimes, simply noticing hope in the world and in others can make you more hopeful as well. Start by writing down 3 good things you saw or heard during the day.
Practice gratitude. Starting each day with a grateful heart is the best prescription for cultivating hope. Write down or acknowledge what you are grateful for even during the worst days. Some days it’s ok to only be grateful for your phone, or your pet, or a hot cup of coffee. Finding gratitude in these little moments cultivates hope.
Be the light. If you cannot find the good when you look for it, you can always do something good and be the light for others. Volunteering, giving back, helping a friend, or a random act of kindness can help you feel hopeful and be a spark of light in someone else’s life.
Focus on your strengths. Believe in yourself, focus on the things about yourself that make you happy and feel confident. By acknowledging your accomplishments, you can build on them and cultivate hope.
Set goals for yourself. Focus on what makes you happy and align your goals and actions with your happiness. Living a purpose driven life is the greatest encourager and source of hope you could ever give yourself.
We all find hope in different places. Explore what hope means to you and spend some time this holiday season reflecting on how you want to experience hope in your life. Use these new strategies to cultivate hope so that you can take action towards achieving your goals and realize the positive impacts on your health and well-being. Embrace the darkness of the season as an opportunity to seek and increase the light. At Scientifically Natural, I can provide you with research-based approaches like these to address all aspects of your health. I explore every system and focus on you as a whole to uncover the root cause of your issues and health concerns. I believe that complete healing and wellness is only achieved when you address the mind, body, and spirit in unison.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment and learn how I can help you on your health journey, please visit my website at