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Canon Hospice

Health & Wellness
Canon Hospice
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Canon Hospice is dedicated to helping patients and families accept terminal illness positively and resourcefully, to preserve dignity, and to endure the challenges that are accompanied at this critical time of life. We are always mindful of the great privilege we are granted through our hospice ministry to express compassion, respect, sensitivity, hope and love. Care is provided by a team of highly skilled professionals.

Our goal is to allow our patients to live each day to the fullest and enjoy their time with family and friends. We are committed in meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our patients and their families.


A hospice patient must have a physician verified terminal illness with a prognosis six months or less. The patient must no longer be receiving curative treatments. We receive referrals from physicians, social workers, case managers, clergy and family members. An order from your physician for hospice services is necessary. Medicare, Medicare HMO's, Medicaid and most private insurance companies cover hospice.


All patients receive: -Private consultation at home or hospital -Medical supplies and equipment -Pain and symptom management -Social worker visits for counseling and psychosocial support -Individual and group bereavement support for families -Spiritual support for patient and family.

Home Based patient Services: Registered Nurse visits, 24 hour on-call nurse, certified nursing assistant visits to assist personal care needs; instruction and education in patient care for the caregiver. Home based services can also be provided in the nursing home environment or assisted living.

Bereavement Services: As part of our mission to provide support and comfort during this difficult time, we also offer bereavement services to family members before, during, and after the patient's death. We respect and honor the feelings associated with losing a loved one and are there to listen, encourage, or simply be there for families who need support. There are no fees for bereavement services and they are offered for at least 13 months after the patient's death.

Services Offered: Counseling - Talking with a professional about the feelings of grief and loss you are experiencing is an important path to eventual healing. Individual and family counseling sessions are offered to help you through this difficult time. Support Group - Grief can be very lonely and you may feel like you are by yourself with your feelings of loss and separation. Spending time with others who have experienced loss can be very comforting to those who feel alone. Our support groups meet at 4:30 on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at our Elmwood location.

Regular Phone and Mail Contact - The first year after the death is the hardest for bereaved persons to get through. Canon Hospice is there with regular phone and mail contact to support you through this difficult time. We mail educational information about grief along with supportive cards and letters. We also call periodically throughout the year to provide encouragement and give you an opportunity to express your feelings.

Celebration of Life - Periodically, Canon Hospice holds a "Celebration of Life" for our patients who have died. It is our opportunity to honor your loved one and express gratitude for allowing us into your lives.

Camp Swan - Canon Hospice sponsors a camp for children age 7-12 who are experiencing grief. It lasts an entire weekend and involves play, artistic expression, and opportunities for kids to talk about feelings. The camp is held three times a year.

Referrals - We maintain bereavement resources and services in the area for those who may be experiencing more complicated grief. We also provide bibliographies and web sites for those who are interested in reading more information about grief and bereavement.

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